Northern Quantum Meeting IX
Northern Quantum Meeting IX
The Northern Quantum Meeting IX (NQM9) will be the ninth instalment of a series of biannual meetings.
Attended by members of the universities in the north of England, and in particular of the N8 Research Partnership, the NQM9 will be hosted by the University of Sheffield.
The previous meeting was held in York.
The aim of the Northern Quantum Meetings is to bring together researchers working on a range of topics within Quantum Information Science and Technologies (QIST), with an emphasis on providing PhD students and early career researchers a platform to network and showcase their work.
Thursday, 9 November 2023 from 10:00 to 17.30
Mappin Hall (Level E), Sir Frederick Mappin Building, Mappin Street, Sheffield S1 3JD
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If you would like to attend, pease complete this Google Form by the end of 31 October 2023
The meeting is free to attend - refreshments & lunch will be provided.
09:30 Registration & arrival refreshments
10:00 Welcome - Alistair Brash, University of Sheffield
10:10 Quantum photonic technologies: from lab to market - Charlotte Ovenden, Aegiq
10.40 Distributed quantum computing and quantum data centres - Kenny Campbell , University of Leeds
11:00 Multiparameter metrology - Yingkai Ouyang, University of Sheffield
11:20 Coffee break
11:40 Directional light matter interactions at the single photon level - Nicholas Martin, University of Sheffield
12:00 Development of InGaAs/AlGaAsSb Geiger Mode Avalanche Photodiodes for 1550 nm wavelength - Jonathan Taylor-Mew, University of Sheffield
12:20 Spin chains' emergent behaviour from biologically-inspired qubit - Xavier Laurent, University of York
12:40 SU(2) pure gauge lattice theory on two quantum hardware - Emanuele Mendicelli, University of York / Liverpool
13: 00 Lunch
14:00 Few-photon all-optical phase rotation using polariton microcavities - Paul Walker, University of Sheffield
14:20 Laser cooling CaF molecules for quantum simulation - Bethan Humphreys, University of Durham
14:40 Classifying Causal Structures: Ascertaining when Classical Correlations are Constrained by Inequalities - Shashaank Khanna, University of York
15:00 Quantum theories with alternative measurement postulates - Vincenzo Fiorentino, University of York
15:20 Quantum heat statistics with the reaction coordinate mapping - Mike Shubrook, University of Bristol / Manchester
15:40 Coffee break
16:00 Developing a room temperature condensed matter atomic clock - Matthew Green, Lancaster University
16:20 Quantum random number generators - Hamid Tebyanian, University of York
16:40 Jodan's Lemma based rates in Device Independent Randomness Expansion and Quantum Key Distribution - Rutvij Bhavsar, University of York
17:00 Counting topological phases in finite chiral structures - Maxine McCarthy, University of Sheffield
17:20 Quantum work statistics at strong reservoir coupling - Ahsan Nazir, University of Manchester
17:40 Close
Contact organisers
Alistair Brash -
Pieter Kok -